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Tech.TransLat: Language Services with the Quality Claim for Industrial Customers

Source Documents

The great variety of documents is ever increasing! That often means a considerable extra effort for the translation work. Whether handwritten, fax copy or any other print out or in any file format (*.pdf, office documents of any manufacturer, desktop publishing formats like PageMaker, FrameMaker, QuarkXpress et al.): the source document has always to be converted into MS-Word readable format. Only then it can be interpreted by the CAT-Software (Computer Aided Translation), a software, that assists the translator at structuring and interpreting the document.
In a few words: delivery of the source documents in MS-Word format lowers effort and, as a result, lowers costs.



Translation is always performed in a computer assisted manner. I am using segmentation and translation memory as well as glossaries (my own or customer-supplied ones).

The whole document text is separated into segments. A segment ends normally at an end-of-sentence punctuation like "." (full stop), "!" (exclamation mark), or "?" (question mark). Segments will be translated sequential one by one.

A source segment and its corresponding destination segment build up a record in the translation memory. This record from then on is at one's disposal. If it comes to translation of a segment of sufficient similarity, then the stored record will be brought up to the translator's attention.

Use of a special CAT software will ensure, that the segments won't get mixed up and that no one will be forgotten. (Doing the translation manually, you can't be really sure, that no segment will be forgotten).

Glossaries are tabular joints of terms from source and destination language like a simple dictionary. Good technical glossaries account for the context of terms. The use of glossaries can ensure, that technical terms are used in a consistent manner.

Especially when it comes to the correct use of technical terms, my customers will benefit from my long term industrial experience.


Layout Adjustments / Layout Generation

You as customer deliver source documents without any special formatting and you want the translated documents back in the same format. Layout generation will be done by your company or will be sourced out to another contractor. The work flow is clear-cut. Nothing to add.


You as customer deliver source documents with or without special formatting and you want the translated documents back finally formatted to a ready to use layout. Translation service as One-Stop-Shop! Only one contact person and the shortest time from receipt of order till dispatch.

Let us talk about it!

Market requirements define the auxiliary tools which freelance translators have to provide. Either I'm equipped with these tools, or I'll find the right solution.


Proofreading / Text Revision

You have already translated documents at your disposal, but you are not sure about grammatical or stylistic quality. Especially when it comes to technical terms. You don't want to have the effort of proofing inhouse:

I would gladly do that job for you.

Translator    References
